This film tells the story of a girl named Samaneh, who is in the turmoil of everyday life with a lonely and old-fashioned old woman, she has a 20 year-old wish. Twenty years ago, the old lady's son was missing in the Changueh Dehloran area, he likes to know the reality, and it is not possible except to sit on the feet of those who have been with him at the last moment
Writer and Director: Mahmoud Nazeri
Producer: Erfan Ghasempour
Mahmoud Maghami - Fakhroddin Sadiq Sharif - Fatemeh Taheri - Farahnaz Monafi Zahir - Abbas Mahbub - Masoud Khodabakhshian - Hossein Latifi - Mahmoud Zaj Saleh - Maryam Youssef - Malek Mansour Marashi - Parisa Meshkani - Amir Deyhim
Production Company: Mahta Tasvir
present at the International Thirty-seventh Roshd International Film Festival
Participated in the 22nd International Hamadan International Film Festival for Children and Youth
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